PG Co-ordinator
I deem it an honor to present before you a small write up on the Post Graduate program conducted at our Institute. Our Institute has been the only Homoeopathic Institute to offer PG courses in the city of Mumbai & Navi Mumbai. The post graduate courses in our Institute started from the academic year 2002 – 2003 for External and Regular students in the subjects of Hom. Materia Medica, Organon and Repertory. From the academic year 2008 -2009, post graduate courses were offered in additional two subjects namely, Medicine and Paediatrics. Presently, the intake capacity for postgraduate courses in the subjects of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Organon & Repertory is 6 students each while, in Medicine & Pediatrics is 3 students each, per academic year.
The course focuses on a comprehensive grooming of academic and clinical acumen of a PG Scholar. Our PG faculties are frontiers in imparting quality education to our students to make them high profile clinicians & research experts. The post graduate students are encouraged to undertake short term research projects in addition to their dissertations. They are motivated to publish their research work in renowned journals and also to participate and present their work in national/international seminars, Workshops and conferences.
Our Institute publishes a quarterly post graduate peer reviewed journal (ISSN) under the name ‘Aphorismi’. The students are exposed to the clinical experiences of renowned Clinicians from Homeopathic and Modern fields through regular seminars/webinars. Our students offer their services to the needy by regularly participating in various Homeopathic Medical camps, NSS camps and various other activities promoted and conducted by Ayush, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, NGOs, etc.
Our ex-students have been placed at various government, semi government, NGO & reputed private sectors all across the country. Today, we have occupied a significant & unique position in the field of Homoeopathic education in the country.